Brian Moody

Bill and Scott. 2009. Stone Bay Broadstairs
Brian Moody (b. 1954) has been a freelance photographer for 35 years, a commercial portrait photographer, he has worked for colour supplements, newspapapers and feature magazines. Recently he has been working on a series for Country Life entitled "Best of British" the stories ranging from a Chimney Sweep, Saville Row tailor, Topiarist, Haggis makers, and a Vicar on his Quad bike.


  1. Brian, would love to hear from you. Remember the good old days at Scope Features. John Dickinson

  2. I scraped enough money to buy a wonderful picture of Kenneth Williams at a studio in Clerkenwell in the 80’s, and I’m guessing this may be one of yours. A large signature and date in felt pen on it probably confirms it as a darkroom reject that that was, with others, sold for charity.
    I used to eat cheaply in the canteen and dug deep into my meagre wage to buy it. Still love it and it’s still commented on.

    Best wishes
